Denise Trainor has been an exceptional Elementary Educator and Literacy Staff Developer for more than 35 years. Dually certified in Special Education and General Education, Denise also brings a strong background as a certified Reading Recovery teacher to her workshops.
Denise is a trained reading specialist and has participated in decades of professional development alongside Lucy Calkins and the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project Staff Developers. She spent 5 years as a national trainer for Frameworks, a Literacy Staff Development Model from University of Wollengong, Australia.
Denise has conducted countless literacy workshops for teachers in New York and Virginia and has been a consistent presenter at state and national literacy conferences across the country.
Connect with Us to Learn More About Bringing Denise To Your District or School Division
“Wow! What a day we had with Denise last week! Thank you, Denise, for providing such a tremendously informative and entirely classroom-ready professional development day. The feedback, both written and spoken, has been enormously positive and encouraging. I look forward to planning future PD opportunities with you.”
“Denise, I wanted to thank you again for all these materials and for the fantastic workshop at the start of the summer. You were incredibly inspiring and I have been thinking about what we learned all summer! Right after our workshop I ran off to Miami and didn’t get a chance to write to you. I’m very excited that I’ll be having about 4-5 teachers piloting Writer’s Workshop at our school this upcoming year. Please let me know if you are going to be out here again doing further workshop on either Reader’s or Writer’s Workshop. You are the BEST!”